Karel Hirman has been holding the post of the Minister of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic since 13 September 2022. He has been working in the field of energy sector since 2003. Holding the position of the Director of Energy Policy Department of Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, he was responsible for the implementation of the EU energy directives and the preparation of national energy legislation, reforms of gas and electricity market, energy efficiency agenda, control and audit heating district system. In addition, he acted as the Head of the Implementation unit ELENA Project European Investment Bank in the Office of Prešov Self-Governing Region. This project was focused on energy savings of public buildings and street lightings, mainly preparation of energy audits and basic documents for financing from EU funds and state aid scheme. He was the Energy Advisor of the Prime Minister of Slovakia and Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia and he has a vast experience with the operation of state energy companies. Karel Hirman was also the member the Board of Directors and Head of Supervisory Board TEKO Kosice (Central heating company) and Head of Supervisory Board of Transpetrol Bratislava (Operator of oil pipelines). He is the author or co-author of several books and a number of publications on various energy issues in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Ukraine.