Marija Fileva is the Prime Minister’s Associate for the Berlin Process and Promotion of Cooperation in Southeast Europe. Ms. Fileva is a highly accomplished PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” – Skopje. She is also a Visiting PhD Researcher at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law and a Visiting PhD Researcher at Europa-Institut of Saarland University in Germany as a recipient of the DAAD Leonhard Euler Scholarship 2022/2023, granted on the basis of her outstanding research project.
Ms. Fileva is highly proficient in leading negotiations and the conclusion of international agreements, with profound knowledge of intergovernmental cooperation initiatives aimed at improving regional cooperation through economic development. Her doctoral research has been recognized through her participation in a number of international conferences and programs, including the PhD School “Globalisation, Europe & Multilateralism – Sophistication of the Transnational Order, Networks and European Strategies (GEM-STONES) – Institutional Proliferation and EU External Action” held at the Global Studies Institute of University of Geneva in Switzerland in 2018. She has also presented her research work at the International Scientific Conference on the topic “Transition of Legal Systems: 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall” organized by the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in 2019, and at the International Scientific Conference on the topic “Education and Social Sciences, Business and Economics” organized by International Academic Institute of the Belgrade Business and Arts Academy for Applied Studies in Belgrade in 2020. Additionally, Ms. Fileva participated in the “SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence in European and International Law” Autumn School 2021 organized by Europa-Institut, Saarland University (Germany) and “Rijeka Doctoral Conference: RIDOC 2021” organized by the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law. She was also a speaker at the Academic Event panel titled “Exploring the Security-Development-Human Rights Nexus in Theory and Practice” within the framework of the Belgrade Security Conference 2022, which is the largest high-level Western Balkan conference on foreign policy and security, organized by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP).
Apart from her academic pursuits, Ms. Fileva has also completed many internationally recognized programs, including the 2018 cycle of the Council of Europe Schools of Political Studies and participation in the 7th World Forum for Democracy of the Council of Europe held in Strasbourg, France; the 2020 cycle of the Council of Europe Schools of Political Studies; “Young Balkan Leaders – the power of shared international knowledge and skills for successful management” (2018-2020) organized by Institute of Politics and “Specialists’ Course on International Refugee Law” (2022) organized by the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in Sanremo, Italy and the Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Serbia. In November 2019, Ms. Fileva successfully passed the Bar Exam.